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Full text of "Fight For NYCHA"

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Agenda : We will discuss controversial issues in a respectful manner . 


1. How do we experience the legacy of our colonial past ? 

2. What does privilege in society look like ? 

3. What are examples of racism in schools ? 

4. What are examples of racism in the criminal justice system ? 

5. What are examples of racism in housing ? 

6. What tools do we have to identify and eliminate racism, first in our 
community, and then in society ? 

7. How do we develop connectedness and empathy with one another 
across racial lines ? 

8. Why is it important to develop the skills to effectively respond to 
discriminatory communication (verbal and nonverbal) and experiences of 
racism, first in our community, and then in society ? 


Government officials, who are a minority, have power, authority, and 
discretion over matters affecting all of the public. Generally, the public 
have little to no power. Government's most important minority 
consitutency are the wealthy, be people with power serve their own 
interests, usually to the disadvantage of all of society. Under our system, 
the rights of a majority not having power are being subverted by a 
minority having power for the wrong reasons. Exploitation by the few of 
the many leads to unjust enrichment. Unjust enrichment connected to 
one's official status in Government can be considered public corruption. 


Under social compact theory of Government, we should all be in this 
together. One way to make a new efforting to end exploitation that takes 
the form of discrimination based on race is to end unjust enrichment by 
the few of the many. 

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